Monday, October 27, 2008


Homecoming was this weekend. My friend Michelle asked me come out and take some pics of her and her friends and her date. She was so beautiful. We had planned to take pics outside. My camera works best outside (I don't have the necessary flash for indoor). As you can see it was raining buckets outside that day. So I attempted to do my best on some indoor photos. A flash is next on my list once I get my lens fixed. She had the most beautiful dark silver dress on. She was most excited about her Michael Kors high high heels. Michelle is so beautiful. I teared up a little while I was looking at her through the lens. She will graduate this year. I have known her since she was a giggly little 13 year old in my youth group at church. She is a beautiful mature young lady now. She is beautiful in and out. Michi, I love you Mucho!!!

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Unknown said...

channon, i love you
thanks a billion
for coming and taking pictures

it meant a lot<3