Thursday, September 18, 2008

I spoke too soon

So yesterday I was bragging about how wonderful Delana is.....she is still wonderful, but this is what she did during her afternoon nap yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon Scott called me upstairs and to bring my camera into Delana's room. I told him no because I know what she does during naptime. I yelled back to him, "no way, I don't take pictures of that mess. Just get her out and clean her up."And he said, "oh no, this is not the standard naptime mess. This is something else. Bring the camera." So I went up and this is what I found: She had gotten into a tub of cocoa butter that had been sitting on her dresser next to her crib for probably the last year, in the same spot. The spot seemed unreachable. I kept wondering how she got to it, I figured out that she had climbed up the side of the dresser from the crib and reached for it and got it. She was covered in it. She atleast shared with her babies. The cocoa butter is still in her hair, even after shampooing with everything from dishsoap and three different brands of shampoo. I think maybe by next week it will be out. I have not even tried cleaning the babies up yet. The funniest thing was me trying to get her out of the crib. She was so slippery. I couldn't stop laughing. She almost slipped right out of my hands. (The naked pic is to prove that she loves to sleep in the nude. She was fully clothed when I put her in her crib)


Bobbi said...

I see a future Mary Kay or Avon consultant on your hands. Or maybe she'll go big time and work at the Mac Store! :)

Scraps of Candy said...

Too funny! Just wanted to stop by and congratulate you on winning over at Digiscrap 101. I have been using Memory Mixer for almost two years and really love it. If you run into any questions about, feel free to drop me an e-mail. :)

Have a great weekend.

Sabra said...

She will have some nice, moisture- rich skin for a while. Dolls, too!

Anonymous said...

She is so cute, the first thing I thought when I saw the coco butter was that lil munchkin children's children will probably never have stretch marks, what a cutie pie.

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Hi. I just found your blog. Very cool page.