Delana got into the lipstick AGAIN!!!! She got into it a 2nd and a 3rd time. I only took pictures the 2nd time. The 3rd time I was just way too tired and upset to take pictures. The 2nd time was not as bad as the first and the 3rd was the worst of all three. Mom's like to ask "what are you doing when they do this stuff?" So let me explain myself: The 2nd time she found the lipstick I was with a client. A friend and client of mine had come over to work on a book and there came Delana down the stairs with my lipstick all over her belly. The 3rd time she did it was at 6:30am. Maelee had woken Delana up and got her out of her crib without me knowing it. All I remember was being was waking up to Delana staring at me in bed, face to face, her nose to mine. Her face was caked in lipstick. She could hardly open her eyes because they were sealed shut with lipstick. That is why I was way too tired and upset to grab the camera. Wish I would of, because it really was the funniest.
7 years ago
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