Delana turned 2 Saturday. We had her birthday party on Friday. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I go to an exercise class at church. So we just had a birthday party right after exercise. Scott had the day off and he went and picked up Maelee from school for an hour and brought her to the party (her teacher was not too happy when Maelee told her that she left school to go to a birthday party). We took all of the Tu Tus down and put them on all of the girls plus some wings we had bought for all of them. We also got knights helmets and shields for the boys. One of the little boys, Parker, did not want to wear the knight costume, he wanted a tu tu and wings instead. We had so much fun. I can't believe how much Delana has grown over the past two years. She is so funny. I think I will post some baby pics and stuff when I have more time. I am working on her baby book right now.(I am so sad about my pictures. My lens broke and it only works in Manual Focus mode and I am really really struggling to get anything into focus. I need to just go get a new lens and stop trying to take pictures. I stink at manual focus!)
7 years ago
Oh my goodness those picts are so cute, LOVE THE TU TU'S! What a great mommy you are! I would love to do a book about her hearing loss and her journey to learning how to speak and listen. It would be perfect to read in her class at school every year on the first day. It is so hard trying to explain to all the kids what is on her head and what it does, a book would be a perfect way to do that because then they would all be sitting listening to me read it. I wish I had even 1-100th of your artistic ability. Ok well love your blog and you are just awesome.
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