My friend Melanie tagged me. I think last time I was tagged with this was by her as well. Fun stuff! I keep learning more and more fun stuff about her. So here is my 8 things you might not know about me.....I will try not to repeat from my last tag post.
1. I used to teach aerobics when I lived in Yuma, Arizona at 4th Avenue Gym. One of the funnest jobs I have ever had. I have taught a volunteer aerobics class before at my church here in Virginia, but some day I would like to get back into teaching at a gym.
2. I have a namesake, Julie Janice Channon Ferraro. She is 9 years old and lives in Georgia. I met her family while living in the Atlanta, Georgia area while serving a mission for my church. She is named after the three sister missionaries that met her parents. She goes by Channon (pronounced "Ch" instead of "Sh" like my name, her parents had only seen my first name in writing and never heard me say my first name because they only knew me as Sister Gideon.)I am amazed every time I see Channon's name in writing. I was the only Channon for so long so it feels so great to share my name with someone so special.
3. I get jealous sometimes of my girls when they are with their dad....I know it sounds weird, but it is so hard to get his attention when he is with his girls. When he is with them, nothing else in the world matters but those two girls.
4. I used to take hip hop dance classes on Tuesday and Friday nights at a gym. I stopped last December when my back was out and I let my gym membership go. I have missed it very much. I have set the goal for myself to take a real dance class at a dance studio starting next September. This will be a more official dance class then what I took at the gym and I will even have to perform at a dance recital. It has always been a dream of mine to dance but I have always let me insecurities about my body hold me back. I am done letting that hold me back. Maelee is taking a year off of dance too but the both of us will start at the same studio September 2009 and we will perform in a recital June 2010.
5. I have always loved and always will love the Beastie Boys. Can't always play it when the girls are in the car, some of it I can (Maelee's favorite song is Brass Monkey). When I am all alone in the car I put them in and turn the volume up as loud as I can.
6. I loved high school. I miss all of my friends from high school. I get sad when I hear people say that they hated high school.
7. My first kiss was when I was 4 years old with a family friend, David Morgan. I told my mom I was going to marry him. Never kissed him since I was four, but he did take me to my senior prom and I am still friends with him.
8. I feel guilty that I was upset two weeks ago when "The Office" did not air because the debates were on. I guess I care more about a fictional sitcom then I do about politics. (no mean posts or comments. I am very patriotic and I do vote!)
So Tag, Now You Are It......
7 years ago
Thanks for the tag! See what you may not know. There's some very cute pictures of my grand baby but I'm not at all partial! :)
OK I feel better after reading your number 8, I was so upset that the debates were on over my show. I really need to get more into politics, it is just hard to when it is all we hear on most channels. I guess I already know which way I am going, so when the debate interupts the Office...that is just wrong. :)
It took awhile to do... but I posted my tag post here!
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