I did it. I have 26 ornaments. I love setting a goal and reaching it. It is one of the best feelings ever. I want to say thank you to everyone that sponsors and supports me and my passion. I can wait to hear back from everyone after Christmas about how much their family members love their books. That is my favorite part of January, the flood of emails that come in with stories of gratitude about their books and family members responses to their gift of Heritage. My dad and I were talking last Christmas about it and my business and how many people I was helping to try to get books under the tree in time for Christmas. My dad is a big fan of these books and he said, "I would love to be in each of those living rooms on Christmas day and see each of those people open up their books." He has felt the feeling of receiving a book and he knows how special it is. So if you are putting a book under the tree this year, leave a comment hear about what your family members said as they opened it.
Merry Christmas to all of the Heritage Makers out there
7 years ago
Great job!!!
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