Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Craig

(This is his Bday present. a 18x24 poster for his room. last year I made two of his bros a poster so he reminded me at Christmas that it was his bday soon and that he wanted his poster)

It is my Nephew Craig's 11th Bday today. I want to tell him how much I love him. He is so funny. He makes the funniest faces and he is such a sweet heart. He gives the best hugs. Happy bday Craigie Pot Pie.

One of my favorite memories of him was when he was little, about two years old, every morning he would wake up and ask for a "happy birthday." what that meant to him was a peanut butter sandwich. How the two correlated I don't know. But everyone in the house knew what he meant. So as soon as he would wake up someone would take him to the kitchen, put him on the counter (the entire time him crying that he wanted a happy birthday), then give him his peanut butter sandwich. He would sit on the counter so happy to be eating his peanut butter sandwich.